Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The blood atory

The butterflies in my tummy are fluttering while I sit in the waiting room.I am in the waiting to get 11 year old injection for Hastings Intermediate. “Wait till she comes out with a big sharp needle,” I say to myself. That can't be sore if my little brother is getting two in his leg he is only 3 months old. The nurse hurries out the door into the waiting room. She calls out my name I start to sweat. I slowly walk to her check up room “Hamish please sit on the big chair” I plod over to the chair and plonk on the seat I have to take my jersey off and roll up my sleeve and get my arm ready to get stabbed. I am getting cold from sitting there too long. I wish the nurse would stop talking and come over here get it over and done with. An hour and a half later she finally came over to talk to my mum she explained what was going to happen. Then she said to me the time has come. Noooooooooo!!!

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